Client Testimonials

{ arts & entertainment photographer } | Toronto, Canada

"I've never been a girl of possessions... However, if there were a fire in my home, this is the first thing I would run to.
I met Steven of Vashk Leather design at a festival called Tall Tree, on Vancouver Island, June 24, 2011. 
That coincidentally was the same day that I reunited with my estranged boyfriend, Ian.

Besides the bonds that united that weekend, the love of my life was back in my world, and the two of us became quick fans of Steven and his work. 
Especially one journal in particular that reminded me of something out of another time.
Time passed, Ian and I started our relationship again, and for this past Christmas, this is what I received under the tree. 

I couldn't have been more affected by a gift before. 
Other than the obvious beauty and intricacy of the handcrafted journal, it meant so much more than that. 
The blank pages of this beautiful leather book will be the canvas for my first novel, the brushed brass a reminder of that magic filled weekend of music, and finally, the etchings of the date that Ian and I would share as our future anniversary."